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NetSuite for NGOs Program Info Session

March 13, 2019 ‖  ALYZA NOELLE TAN

CCEF Marketing and Resource Generation Officer, Lloyd Yosoya presenting their group’s identified functional problems in their NGOs.

March 13 2019, CCEF staff joins the NetSuite workshop at the Mandarin Hotel,
Cebu City. NetSuite is an advanced cloud-based software developed by Mustard
Seed Systems Corporation to help businesses automate their processes so they
could achieve a faster and more efficient system for their employees. As part
of Mustard Seed’s initiative to help non-profits become efficient, they are
offering a software donation to NGOs and other Non-profits including a free
assistance in setting up the software and consultation.

As a non-profit organization, CCEF’s donor management can be time-consuming and tedious. Thus, CCEF Marketing and Resource Generation officer, Lloyd Yosoya , CCEF Communications and Development Associate, Alyza Tan and IT intern , Tyler Gantuangco all attended the workshop to help CCEF become efficient and faster in its transactions with donors. This in turn, can greatly help CCEF in improving its transparency, credibility and at the same time give more time to its beneficiaries. The different NGOs attending the workshop also expressed the functional, operational and strategic issues they encountered in their own organizations.

Participants during the workshop writing down their functional, operational and strategic issues in their NGOs.

CCEF hopes to continue improving and expanding its projects, improve the coastal resources and create resilient coastal communities.

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