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Enhancing Resiliency and Climate Change Adaptation using MPAs

Enhancing Resiliency and Climate Change Adaptation using MPAs

Stronger and more destructive typhoons are one of the effects of climate change. In small coastal communities, fisheries is the main contributor to livelihood and food supply. There is an urgent need to make coastal communities resilient and adaptive to climate change. There is also an urgent need to make coastal ecosystems such communities rely on for food and livelihood resilient to the the effects of a changing climate.

Project description

The overall objective of this ongoing project is to improve resiliency and climate change adaptive capacities of coastal communities, MPA managers, and local government units through coral reef restoration and reef fish recovery in typhoon-damaged areas using marine protected areas as resilience tools.

The beneficiaries are specifically local communities and MPAs in the municipalities of Siquijor – Larena, Maria, and Lazi; Provincial Marine Protected Areas Technical Support (PMPATS); MPA managers; People’s Organizations; Fisherfolks’ Associations; and LGUs and Provincial and other Municipal CRM practitioners in Siquijor Province, in general.

The estimated results of this project are to have

  1. trained and capacitated PMPATS in participatory coral reef restoration and fishery recovery methods and monitoring
  2. developed science-based, yet community-friendly, protocols on fishery recovery and coral reef restoration, designed and implemented using MPAs as the priority sites
  3. stabilized substrate in areas within MPAs where it is rubble-dominated
  4. increased live hard coral cover highly damaged restoration sites
  5. increased coral reef fish abundance and /biomass in restoration sites
  6. increased habitat complexity in rubble dominated restoration sites
  7. quantified and elucidated data on prevailing current systems in Siquijor Province
  8. developed effective MPA designs for enhanced resiliency to climate change and recommended to targeted local communities, local government units, and MPA managers
  9. produced a booklet that will serve as guide for coral and reef fish recovery for coastal communities, local government units, and MPA managers’ use, highlighting the lessons learned and best practices of each selected site developed and produced
Project date:  October, 2014



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